특정기기에서 보상형 광고를 시청후 게임소리가 안나는 문제가 있어서 이것저것 시도해보고 있어요.
void OnApplicationPause(bool pauseStatus)
MobileAds.SetApplicationVolume(pauseStatus ? 0f : 0.5f);
Admob을 관리해주는 스크립트에 위 코드들을 추가 해봤어요.
플레이어 세팅 값도 확인해 보라고 하는데 전 이미 돼 있더라고요.
Sound was muted forever after minimize app while watching Admob interstitial ad - Unity Forum
Sound was muted forever after minimize app while watching Admob interstitial ad
Hello, I have a problem with unity sound on iOS. When my game starting playing an AdMob interstitial ad, I minimize it then re-open again. This will...
Sounds are gone just after rewarded ad! · Issue #1516 · googleads/googleads-mobile-unity
[REQUIRED] Step 1: Describe your environment Unity version: 2019.4.15f1 Google Mobile Ads Unity plugin version: v5.4.0 Platform: iOS Platform OS version: iOS 14.2 Any specific devices issue occurs ...
void OnApplicationPause(bool pauseStatus)
앱이 활성화될 때마다 오디오 세팅을 리셋해 주면 사운드가 잘 들립니다.
대부분 기기에서는 위 설정을 안 해줘도 소리 잘 나오던데 특정 기기 때문에 문제 찾느라 힘들었어요.
【Unity/iOS】How to solve disappearing audio after AdMob ad played on real device – midolog
【Unity/iOS】How to solve disappearing audio after AdMob ad played on real device
This article is a memorandum of how to deal with the mysterious phenomenon of implementing AdMob in Unity. Tab […]
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